Ascend at the Aspen Institute is a catalyst and convener for diverse leaders working across systems and sectors to build intergenerational family prosperity and well-being by intentionally focusing on children and the adults in their lives together. We believe in the power of co-creation. We are a community of leaders — well-connected, well-prepared, and well-positioned — building the political will that transforms hearts, minds, policies, and practices.
Today, more than one in five college students in the US are parents. Our ‘1 in 5’ podcast vividly profiles students who are parents pursuing their education while raising a family and working. Throughout the series, student parents share their journeys raising a family, working, and navigating challenges while pursuing a postsecondary degree. These experiences of students who are parents should not be unfamiliar or unheard, especially on college campuses.
Comprehensive, integrated, and fair policies for workers are critical not only for parents, caregivers, and their children, but they’re essential for businesses and communities to thrive. Sign on to the principles to join the acknowledge the shared goal of achieving good jobs for all parents and caregivers, especially those with low incomes.
The Ascend Network connects cross-sector organizations from across the country that are using the two-generation (2Gen) approach to create a society where all families can reach their full potential. These leaders, who are most proximate to communities and know families’ needs and potential, implement the 2Gen model at scale so parents and children can grow their talents and and skills.
With institutional cultures that are rooted in family, community, and holistic supports, Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs) are uniquely positioned to catalyze the systemic change needed...